Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Anticipation Reading Guide

Anticipation Reading Guide: The Research Process

Directions: Next to each statement, indicate whether or not you agree or disagree with the claim. In the space under the statement, briefly defend your position.

_________ 1. The research process generally takes less than one week in time.

_________ 2. Book sources are more valid and reliable than internet resources.

_________ 3. Internet research is more time-consuming than library research.

_________ 4. Internet sources which do not cite an author name are invalid and untrustworthy.

_________ 5. It is considered dishonest to use ideas from others and not cite them within your paper.

_________ 6. It is important to have a topic in mind when starting the research process.

_________ 7. You should have more book sources than internet sources in your research essay.

_________ 8. You should write about and summarize information from each resource studied or read.

_________ 9. Wikipedia is a valid source for internet research.

_________ 10. Lectures, videos, and podcasts are valid sources for information.

What I Learned:

I learned that the anticipation reading guide can be a wonderful way to activate prior knowledge and can even encourage student participation and interest through the fun format, engendering of discussion, and introductory purpose. They present a nice way to transition into new material, and allow for immediate feedback on what students already know about the topic. I anticipate using this strategy within the unit lesson plan.

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